Senior Schooling at Ripley Valley State Secondary College encompasses Year 10 in 2022 and moving forward progressing to include Year 11 in 2023 and Year 12 in 2024.
Our Year 10s in 2022, will continue in a developmental sequence of learning using the Australian Curriculum. Students will participate in a challenging and engaging program of learning that provides a link between the Junior and Senior Phase of learning, helping students to prepare to succeed in Year 11 and 12.
Helpful Resources
Year 10 Pathways and SET Planning:
Throughout the year there are opportunities for students to further grow their knowledge of careers and develop their employment related skills through our Career Education program. This program supports students as they transition into senior studies and allows them to explore the many career options they have availale to them.
In year 9 Students and families will engage in PPP Meetings, where the goals and pathway options for each student are discussed with a member of the leadership team, and a personalised plan is created for the student and subjects for year 10 are selected.
In Year 10 students in Term 2 and Term 3 will engage in SET (Senior Education and Training) Planning, an individual learning plan of action to achieve success in Year 11 and Year 12. This will be a review of what is completed in the abovementioned PPP Meetings. Students will build on their learnings in Year 9 and continue to explore the changing world of work and will engage in examining their options across education, training and employment sectors based on their interests, personal qualities, abilities and ambitions. Students and families will be guided through the SET process by discussions with the Leadership team, along with external supports from Universities, TAFE and private providers.
Queensland Certificate of Education- QCE
Queensland introduced a new QCE system starting with Year 11 students in 2019. From 2020, the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) will replace the Overall Position (OP) as the standard pathway to tertiary study for Queensland Year 12s.
Key features include of the system include:
•new and redeveloped QCAA senior syllabuses
•external assessment in most senior subjects
•new quality assurance processes to strengthen the quality and comparability of school-based assessment
•changes to QCE eligibility requirements
•the introduction of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Resources available:
The Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) has a webpage dedicated to brochures and fact sheets containing all of the relevant information. This can be accessed at:
The Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) also has a webpage dedicated to the ATAR. This can be accessed at: