At Ripley Valley State Secondary College we have high expectations of student attendance. Our Attendance Policy aims to ensure students are actively engaged in school and attend every day to ensure optimal individual outcomes and student participation.
Student Absence Procedure:
If a student is absent from school (part or full day), parent must notify office via note (student providing their Access Teacher with a note to explain their absence), phone call, Daymap or QParents on the day of absence
Student Absence Line phone number: 3819 5366
If a parent/carer receives an SMS notification of a student absence, please respond to the message stating reason for student absence.
Parent/Carer must notify the school for each day of absence. The exception is when parents/ carers have notified the school of an extended absence.
Absence notification must include the reason for the absence. Medical certificates should be provided in both of the following circumstances:
- When a student is absent for three +days due to injury or illness
- When a student is absent for assessment
Contact the Deputy Principal if your child's absence is likely to be for an extended period of time. If a student is absent for 10 or more consecutive school days an Exemption from Schooling Request must be applied for. Approval is at the discretion of the Principal. Please find the required Exemption forms below:
Exemption Information Sheet.doc
Exemption Form.doc