There are 4 Sport Houses at Ripley Valley State Secondary College. The Houses are

All of the sport Houses are based on mountains surrounding Ripley Valley SSC.
Students have the opportunity to earn points for their House throughout the year by demonstrating positive behaviour that reflect Ripley Valley SSC Values (Respect, Responsibility and Perseverance).
Please see information on each house below:
Welcome to Blaine House!
Blaine is the blue house and we are known as the Blaine Crocs. Our motto is 'winning is a habit, success is a choice'. We believe that to be successful it takes hard work and sacrifice. Even though it's great to win, we believe in trying our hardest and persevering at the next event and giving it our all. Blaine has many values, we are a fearless and unique house and we are all dedicated to try our best to help Blaine win. Go Blaine Crocs!
- All of our Houses are based on Mountains around Ipswich.
- Mount Blaine (Aboriginal: Ginginbaar) is named after John Blaine (1908) who took up land near Peak Crossing in 1869 as the owner of Portion 89, Parish of Goolman.

Logo & Mascot:
| House Captains: Charlotte Coates and Lucinda Milfull

War Cry:
Blaine Blaine we're on top, Crocodiles Crocodiles never stop, Crikey mighty feisty beast, The only team you'll never beat, Croc Croc Croc, Snap Snap Snap, GOOOOOO BLAINE!
Welcome to Flinders House!
Flinders is the yellow house and we are known as the Flinders Dingos. We believe in never giving up and to keep going when things get tough. Our house values are determination, toughness and Integrity. Our motto is 'to look up, get up but never give up'. There will be many challenges students in Flinders house will endure, however, when we are finding it hard we will be determined to keep going. Flinders values integrity, because being honest and keeping our moral values is more important than always winning. We are tough and are motivated to take up any challenge. Just like our school values, Respect, Responsibility and Perseverance, we will display these during any school event. Flinders house wants to show respect to all who are participating, take responsibility for our own actions and persevere until we succeed. Our vision is to grow as a hardworking, honest and determined house so that we can reach our goals and win with pride. As a team we will remember our school values, our own values and get up when we have fallen, so that we can succeed. Go Flinders Dingos!
- All of our Houses are based on Mountains around Ipswich.
- Flinders Peak (Aboriginal: Booroong'pah) was originally named High Peak in July 1799 by Lieutenant Matthew Flinders RN (1774- 1814) navigator, hydrographer and scientist, HM Colonial Sloop Norfolk. The name Flinders Peak was first used by John Oxley (1785-1828) Surveyor General during his explorations in 1824, as a change from High Peak of Flinders.
Logo & Mascot:
| House Captains: Kaylan Harris and Krystian Rozanski

War Cry:
Dingoes running fast, All the houses we go past, Drop the message on the way, WHAT
did the message say?! Flinders gonna win today! GOOOOOOO FLINDERS!
Welcome to Goolman House!
Goolman is the green house and we are known as the Goolman Geckos. This page will tell you about our house history, values, motto and what has been happening with the house. Our motto is: practise with purpose and play with passion, which directly relates with our house values which are passion, perseverance and personality. We believe that even though a gecko loses its tail, it continues to persevere and continue on with its daily life. Our house values tie back to the college's values of respect, responsibility and empowerment as we are passionate with our responsibilities as school students, we persevere by empowering ourselves to achieve success and show respect by displaying our personalities in positive ways. Go Goolman Geckos!
- All of our Houses are based on Mountains around Ipswich.
- Mount Goolman, formerly named by John Oxley as Murdoch Peak, is derived from the Yuggera language indicating stone axe. Murdoch Peak was named after Peter Murdoch, superintendent of the agricultural establishment at Emu Plains.
Logo and Mascot:
| House Captains: Darcy MacIvor and Sophie Russel

War Cry:
We are geckos and we beat, Every other team we meet, We are fair, ain't no cheater, Don't be salty when we beat ya, When we shout, our voice echoes, Cos we are the Goolman geckos, GOOOOOO GOOLMAN!
Welcome to Perry House! Perry is the red house and we are known as the Perry devils. Our house values are persistence, honour and strength. We believe these are key aspects to winning and being involved in all school based activities. Our house motto is
persistence + honour = strength. Perry house will win school events due to our determination within the house. Perry house aligns to the college's core values as we always show respect towards other houses, show perseverance by being strong and never giving up and show responsibility by always competing in the set activities. Go Perry Devils!
- All of our Houses are based on Mountains around Ipswich.
- Mt Perry is actually known as "Perry's Knob" and was founded by Thomas Perry a migrant from Scotland. Mt Perry is a small mountain located near Mt Flinders. In the late 1800's to early 1900's, there was a small community of timber cutters who attended a school where Margaret Forsyth known as Margaret Perry used to educate the children from the timber cutting families.
Logo & Mascot:
| House Captains: Ava Hodgetts and Ella Thomas
War Cry:
Devils Devils top of the sorts, We're as strong as Perri Perri sauce, Perry Devils we're the best, Wanna know why? Take the test! GOOOOO PERRY!