Student Code of Conduct
Student Code of Conduct sets out the responsibilities and processes we use in our school to promote a productive, effective whole school approach to discipline. Its purpose is to facilitate high standards of behaviour from all in the school community, ensuring learning and teaching in our school is prioritised, where all students are able to experience success and staff enjoy a safe workplace.
Learning Policy
The RVSSC Years 7-9 Assessment Policy.pdf and
Senior School Assessment Policy outlines the College's expectations of teachers, students and parents/carers during the Teaching, Learning and Assessing Cycle
Years 7-9 Flow Chart and
Senior Assessment Submission Flow chart. Our College uses APA Referencing systems
Homework Policy
RVSSC Homework policy provides students with the opportunities to consolidate their classroom learning, pattern behaviour for lifelong learning beyond the classroom and involve family members in their learning.
Dress and Uniform Policy
Dress Code Policy outlines school dress standards and expectations as determined by the Principal and representatives of the school community.
Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy outlines RVSSC attendance expectations and actions surrounding student attendance.
School Representation Policy
School Representation Policy outlines expectations for students to maintain eligibility to participate in extracurricular school related activities.
Anti Bullying Policy
AntiBullying Policy RVSSC forms part of our Responsible Behaviour Policy. We are dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe and supportive environment for all our students.
Inclusive Schooling Policy
Inclusive Schooling Policy outlines the policies, roles and responsibilities and RVSSC action plan
NDIS Policy
Further information on our
NDIS Policy
Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy sets out how RVSSC manages personal information.
Refund Policy
RVSSC refund guidelines outlines the school procedures around issuing refunds.
ICT and Technology Policy
The ICT and Technology Use Policy outlines the whole school expectations for Technology use at school using school provided equipment and resources.
Third Party Website Consent Form
The 3rd Party Website Consent form outlines the third party websites that RVSSC teachers will be using as part of our teaching and learning, and must be completed by each family before students can access these sites. To complete this form, please contact and a digital copy will be provided.
CCTV PolicyThe CCTV policy outlines RVSSC CCTV use, and strategies for accessing footage when required.
Headlice PolicyThe
Headlice Policy outlines the processes followed if Headlice is found within the school/individual classes.
Sun Safety PolicyRVSSC are commitment to Sun Safe Practices and have developed a
Ripley Valley SSC Sun Safety Policy which encompasses strategies outlined in the Department's EPPR.
Communication Policy
Successful communication strategies are an integral part of Ripley Valley's operational framework and a cornerstone of our community ethos. Please find attached our
Communication Policy
Student Driver form
To ensure safety of students, Ripley Valley SSC requires Student Drivers and their Passengers have completed the relevant permission forms.
Student Driver Permission form
Permission to be Transported by a Student Driver form
Customer Complaints & Compliments
csfs-complaint.pdf and
making-a-complaint-easy-guide.pdf outlines the colleges processes for all members of the school and wider community should they wish to contact he school regarding either of these matters.