Our Student Homepage can he found HERE
Links to important websites, documents and information and links on other important aspects can be found on our student homepage.
How to submit Assessments on Daymap
How To Submit Assessment on Daymap.pdf
RVSSC Sport Practice + Lunchtime Activity Timetable (Term 1)

Tech Support
At home:
If you are experiencing issues please log a job HERE
Alternatively, you can email tech@ripleyvalleyssc.eq.edu.au
During school:
Tech support is available in the library before and after school and during lunch breaks.
How to Guide about Tech Support
How to Guide_How to Log a computer Job from home.pdf
Other Programs

Student Access: https://ripleyvalleyssc.eq.daymap.net/daymap
Students can access their Daymap using the below link, using their student emails and the password they have created.
All student work, communications, assessment etc is all via Daymap.
(Please see parent resources for Parent access to Daymap)

Student Access: https://jacplus.com.au/
All student textbooks for all subjects can be found here.

Student Access: https://stileapp.com
Students can access Science Materials. This can also be used for other subjects at teacher discretion.

Student Access: https://elearn.eq.edu.au
Students will go through eLearn to access their online Learning classrooms.