
Student services and support programs


​Education…is about being proactive in identifying the barriers and obstacles learners encounter in attempting to access opportunities for quality education, as well as in removing those barriers and obstacles that lead to exclusion. (UNESCO, 2012). 


Ripley Valley State Secondary College (RVSSC) is committed to Inclusive Schooling Practices, focused on maximising the outcomes of all students through identification, support and reduction of barriers to learning. It is committed to setting high expectations, valuing and celebrating diversity; and employing high quality, evidence-based teaching practices focused on success for every student. To achieve this, RVSSC will work collaboratively with its students, staff and community members to achieve the following goals:

  • Diverse Learners will have access to high-quality education, which is free from discrimination and hardship.
  • Embed Department of Education (DoE) commitments.
  • Access and participate in a high quality education and fully engage in the curriculum along-side their similar-aged peers
  • Learn in a safe and supportive environment, free from bullying, discrimination or harassment
  • Achieve academically and socially with reasonable adjustments and supports tailored to meet their learning needs.
  • RVSSC will adopt a 'Whole school approach to differentiated teaching and learning' as detailed by relevant Department of Education (DoE) policies (P-12 CARF, ICP, WSSP).
  • RVSSC will be a supportive and engaging place for all students, families and community members.
  • RVSSC has shared values with its community, which celebrate and respond to the diversity of its population.
  • Attend their local state school or education centre and be welcomed

Supporting Students

Ripley Valley State Secondary College prides itself in providing an inclusive education, reflecting values and a culture committed to equitable educational opportunities and improved outcomes for all students.

Classroom teachers, in their day-to-day teaching, place a high priority on identifying and addressing the learning needs of individual students. All staff hold high expectations for the learning opportunities of all students. Our college provides a range of educational support models such as: case management, individual curriculum plans, classroom teaching and assistance from support staff. 

At Ripley Valley State Secondary College students:

  •  learn and achieve their full potential.
  •  are responsible for their own education.
  • have the right to access reasonable adjustments to support their educational outcomes.
  • have the right to access appropriate educational programs that meet their individual needs.

At Ripley Valley State Secondary College teachers:

  • take responsibility for the curriculum needs of all students.
  • provide opportunities for all students to participate in social and academic opportunities alongside their peers.
  • differentiated teaching and learning is planned in the year and/or band plans for each learning area in response to the diverse needs of all students and in consultation with support staff.
  • foster a safe and supportive learning environment where diverse needs are valued and respected.

Ripley Valley State Secondary College responds to the diverse learning needs of their students by identifying differentiated teaching and learning in all three levels of planning. This ensures that every student is supported to access and participate in the curriculum leading to continuous improvement in student achievement.

Focused teaching for groups and individuals is planned in response to formative assessment. It includes teaching understandings and/or skills from particular content descriptions through effective pedagogical practices that address barriers to learning. This may include:

  • varying the pace of teaching and learning, allowing more time for deeper investigation or fast tracking the learning
  • activating prior knowledge by making explicit connections to new learning
  • adjusting the literacy and language demands
  • providing a variety of instructional methods

Intensive teaching for individual students is provided in response to the analysis of monitoring tasks and diagnostic tools and addresses specific understandings and skills. It includes explicitly teaching discrete understandings and/or skills from particular content descriptions. This may include:

  • developing personal and specific learning goals
  • scaffolding the literacy and/or language demands
  • investigating and using alternative pedagogies and additional resources
  • closer teacher involvement and collaboration with support staff
  • close monitoring through observation and careful analysis of student responses to tasks
  • use of assistive technology.

For some students, intensive teaching may be needed for a short period of time to master discrete understandings and skills for extension or enrichment.

Support Services

Sometimes our students need support outside of the classroom. Through a referral process, students will have access to additional support delivered from the following:

  • Student Support Services (SSS team)
  • Guidance Officer
  • Chaplain
  • Defence Mentor
  • Youth Workers

Students requiring support from one or more of these services will be placed on a program tailored to their individual needs.

Ripley Valley Chaplaincy Volunteer Form.pdf


For more information follow the links:


Last reviewed 10 November 2021
Last updated 10 November 2021