HOD of Diverse Learning:
The HODs of Diverse Learners build the capacity of teachers to provide effective and differentiated instruction for all students. Their goal is to facilitate College-wide teacher collaboration and professional learning to improve staff knowledge of inclusive pedagogical strategies. The HODs of Diverse Learners promotes student engagement and creates positive and supportive learning environments for all. They case manage students that are classified under the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) as Substantial, Extensive and Extensive plus, as well as oversee ICP and QCIA development.
Guidance Officer:
Guidance Officers are experienced teachers who have unique expertise to work in schools and help all students in the areas of academic achievement, social, personal and career development.
The Guidance Officer provides a confidential service for personal counselling, case management, psychoeducational assessment, career guidance and support programs. This support focuses mainly on students; however, the Guidance Officer is able to advise families and staff on accessing external services. To read more about the Guidance Officer, please click the link here
Speech Language Pathologist
Our speech-language pathologist supports students with speech-language communication difficulties to participate in learning in addition to supporting and developing the capability of teachers and other school staff.
Youth Workers
Youth Workers work with students and their families to determine and implement strategies that help them have a more positive educational experience, including enhancing their social skills, assertiveness, self-esteem and problem-solving skills through a strengths-based approach to providing support. Youth Workers work with students either one or one or in group work. Youth workers may facilitate referrals to other professionals and services, and assist students and families to access this support. Our Youth Workers at Ripley Valley SSC are Alicia Pickerill, Jacob Millerick, Kristian Atkins and Taylah Adsett.
SU chaplains provide social, emotional and pastoral support for students, families and school staff. Ripley Valley SSC has a vibrant Chaplaincy program. Our Chaplains work alongside local church volunteers to deliver breakfast club, Chappy pantry and hampers in addition to facilitating a Youth Group with guests from local churches. Our Chaplains Kristian Atkins and Taylah Adsett are also qualified Youth Workers and they work alongside our Youth Workers to deliver small group interventions.
Ripley Valley Chaplaincy Volunteer Form.pdf
Community Education Counsellor
The Community Education Counsellor is an Identified role. Our CEC, Cristy, provides educational counselling and support services within schools to ensure that the best possible assistance services are available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children, students, families and communities. The CEC also provides cross cultural awareness training to the broader school community.
Defence School Mentor Services
The DSM role has been established in recognition that many Defence Force Children may experience some disruption to both the academic and social aspects of their schooling each time they move upon posting. Children may also experience difficulties during parental absences due to deployment, exercises, or courses and the DSM raises awareness of these unique experiences.
The Defence School Mentor Role:
• Referring your child/children to services or school and community programs that meet their needs
• Providing support to your child/children during times of parental absence
• Assisting your child/children to develop self-confidence, self-reliance and resilience
• Monitoring the social, emotional wellbeing and personal issues of your child/children, such as friendships, peer groups and classroom difficulties
• Enhancing awareness and appreciation of the unique Defence lifestyle in schools
• Organising various activities including ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and lunchtime clubs
For further information contact the Defence School Mentor: Mrs Tracey Cooper tcoop203@eq.edu.au
Industry Liaison Officer
An industry liaison Officer assists in the ongoing delivery of the School Based Apprenticeship program and assists in managing business and industry partnerships to maximise opportunities for secondary students. The ILO aims to build strong and vibrant links that promote school-based apprenticeships as a career pathway for students. If your child is seeking support in enrolling in a vocational qualification or you are a business willing to support our students with a work placement, please contact Marney George on mgeor109@eq.edu.au
Small Group Interventions: Small group interventions provide targeted support in an area of need. Our Youth Workers facilitate a dynamic suite of social and emotional small group interventions throughout the year.
RVSSC Internal Support Programs May 2024.pdf
If you feel your child would benefit from any of the supports listed on offer, please email a staff member directly or send their name and Year level and a brief description of the concern to studentservices@ripleyvalleyssc.eq.edu.au.
For more information follow the links:
Student services and support programs.pdf